the squishy stinky diaper was offering nothing. not a fucking god damn thing other than future betrayal…
a betrayal you know is coming, one that krasnov’s been setting up for years now, and one that will forever tarnish relations between the u.s. and its long-time allies everywhere.
Yeah - Trump, Vance & their ghouls planned this and there is nothing Zelensky could have done except maybe selling off his country to the russians
the squishy stinky diaper was offering nothing. not a fucking god damn thing other than future betrayal…
a betrayal you know is coming, one that krasnov’s been setting up for years now, and one that will forever tarnish relations between the u.s. and its long-time allies everywhere.
Just in case, “red” as in hair color is “рыжий” in Russian, so it would be Ryzhov.