
Trump just presided over one of the greatest diplomatic disasters in modern history, with flared tempers, raised voices, and shredded protocol.

Never before has a U.S. president bullied and berated an adversary, never mind an ally, in such a public way.

During a tense Oval Office meeting, Trump and JD Vance attacked Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, demanding he accept a peace deal with Russia or lose U.S. support.

The conversation devolved into shouting, with Trump accusing Zelenskyy of being ungrateful and “gambling with World War III.”

The meeting ended in chaos, with no agreement reached.

  • @Regrettable_incident
    152 hours ago

    I’m not American but wouldn’t that mean Vance becomes president? It’s tempting to think he couldn’t be any worse, but trump likes the fucker so who knows?

    • @merdaverse
      121 hour ago

      Honestly, Vance seems even worse to me. Trump has that embarrassing grandpa vibe and he seems too stupid to make any important decisions on his own or realize what he’s doing. Vance gives me a determined murderous intent vibe.

    • Dr. Moose
      142 hours ago

      Maybe they can die together?

        • Dr. Moose
          148 minutes ago

          I don’t think anyone would be sleeping with so much partying going around lol

    • @wall_panel_96
      -61 hour ago

      After watching the trump, JD, zelensky situation, I lost a big of respect for JD. He acted like a twat. Trump is definitely a better president than him. President that is. They are both douchebags, but so far doing good for the country.

      • @Saryn
        51 hour ago

        You need to drink your meds, grandpa.

        • @wall_panel_96
          -21 hour ago

          Don’t indult your elders, grandpa’s have been through some shit. Sadly I can’t berate you with realities though as I’m not even close to being that old.

      • @Regrettable_incident
        156 minutes ago

        I’m curious, what good do you see trump doing for the country? It seems to me that he’s doing a lot of harm but we probably have differing views

        • @wall_panel_96
          13 minutes ago

          Woman only in woman’s sports, sounds fair to me. Ending corruption in politics, giving soldiers who lost their jobs for not taking the experimental jab back their jobs, revealing the jfk, mlk files, trying to reveal the Epstein files, improving efficiency in governments spending of hard earned taxpayer dollars, ending wars etc. sadly trumps personality has gotten in the way of some of those, but so far, so good. I’m sick of people ignoring all the clear good he has done and just screaming ‘nazi’ and ‘hitler’ which is an insult to anybody aware of history. Those words involve pure evil. Don’t use them in vain. If trump starts sending people to gas Chambers and murdering races he didn’t like, I’ll be there with you screaming ‘nazi Hitler’ at the top of my lungs. That’s not reality though.

            • @wall_panel_96
              -116 minutes ago

              Explain. What is bad about less corruption, more freedom of speech, less waste of taxpayer dollars, less wars, fair sports, less catering to the mentally ill, instead of yes manning them, actually offering them therapy, less racism, sexism etc, less dei. More catering to the 99.999% of the population.