Previous Thread

Another week in the books. Let’s chat about manga in the general discussion thread! Feel free to use this thread for questions, comments, recommendations, etc.

Like normal, please be careful with spoilers. I wrote a guide about spoilers in case you need a refresher on how to handle them (also linked in the sidebar).

  • @Essence_of_Meh
    320 hours ago

    I’m on a bit of a break from manga outside some of the usual series (I’m still reading, just jumped on some books right now) but I’d like to say I’m really happy how the last few chapters of The Guy She Was Interested in Wasn’t a Guy at All went. It’s just a bunch of wins for everyone, including the audience.

    Honestly, most of the series I follow at the moment seem to be doing pretty well lately (at least the one that release regularly anyway) so that’s nice. Now if only the rest of them had more reasonable schedules I’d be even happier (not that I don’t appreciate people scanlating for free as it is, I just can’t help with my cravings once I get hooked on a story).

    A’ight, back to black hole I go.