Curious, in contrast I remember when they aired A Fish Called Wanda (that was a long time ago), they censored John Cleese’s response to one of Otto’s inarticulate verbal insult streams: “How very interesting… you’re a true vulgarian, aren’t you?”
…so as to not offend… people from Bulgaria, I guess? They might confuse the V with a B, then write strongly worded letters to the head of network programming?
Curious, in contrast I remember when they aired A Fish Called Wanda (that was a long time ago), they censored John Cleese’s response to one of Otto’s inarticulate verbal insult streams:
“How very interesting… you’re a true vulgarian, aren’t you?”
…so as to not offend… people from Bulgaria, I guess? They might confuse the V with a B, then write strongly worded letters to the head of network programming?
Vulgarian sound like “vulva.” It was probably that weak similarity to dirty, evil sex that got the line cut.