It’s your hellscape, fence-sitters. Idiots. If only you could have done something, any one goddamn thing to have avoided this gutting of democracy, this looting of generations of social capital, demonizing of progressive causes and the establishment of a russian vassal state.
But I understand the candidate was not exciting enough to get off the fence.
You coulda been somebody, Charlie, you coulda been a contender.
Oh my God it’s like talking to a brick wall with you people.
The Democrats have been running on a platform of “we aren’t Trump” for 3 elections in a row. They lost two of them.
This loss falls on Democrat leadership far more than it falls on the people on the fence.
The fact is the Democrats failed to convince enough people they were the better option. Mostly because they tried the same strategy against the same opponent 3 fucking times.
This loss falls on Democrat leadership far more than it falls on the people on the fence.
Sounds like you like making excuses for shitstain losers who sit around waiting for a political party to court them instead of doing their fucking homework and making responsible decisions.
Sounds like you making excuses for a shitstain party who sits around waiting for wins to come to them instead of learning from mistakes and fixing those mistakes next time.
So, setting aside the validity of this perspective, you do run into one problem: You can’t import new voters. These are the hand you’re dealt and complaining about them accomplishes nothing.
Politicians come and go. Political parties go through phases where they’re better and worse at advertising themselves. The American voters who failed to do their civic duty by responsibly informing themselves, choosing instead to sit around and wait for a party to court them until they felt appeased, will still be there next go around, waiting to not do their civic duty again, entirely dependent on whether they feel a party appeased them enough or not.
Because they’re too fucking lazy to do simple things like looking up the voting history of said party. I did. Now I don’t need Democrats to court me like I’m some dipshit prom queen because I KNOW they are the better option, whether they court me or not.
It’s your hellscape, fence-sitters. Idiots. If only you could have done something, any one goddamn thing to have avoided this gutting of democracy, this looting of generations of social capital, demonizing of progressive causes and the establishment of a russian vassal state.
But I understand the candidate was not exciting enough to get off the fence.
You coulda been somebody, Charlie, you coulda been a contender.
Oh my God it’s like talking to a brick wall with you people.
The Democrats have been running on a platform of “we aren’t Trump” for 3 elections in a row. They lost two of them.
This loss falls on Democrat leadership far more than it falls on the people on the fence.
The fact is the Democrats failed to convince enough people they were the better option. Mostly because they tried the same strategy against the same opponent 3 fucking times.
It’s the type of mentality of the people who burned medicine women as witches because they got sicker after refusing treatment.
If you tell them a bad result will happen if they stay the course, they’ll be yelling at you when the bad result happens
Their brains just link the person who warned them with the bad result, and they can’t accept that they were wrong.
The good news is people like that no longer run the DNC.
Sounds like you like making excuses for shitstain losers who sit around waiting for a political party to court them instead of doing their fucking homework and making responsible decisions.
Sounds like you making excuses for a shitstain party who sits around waiting for wins to come to them instead of learning from mistakes and fixing those mistakes next time.
So, setting aside the validity of this perspective, you do run into one problem: You can’t import new voters. These are the hand you’re dealt and complaining about them accomplishes nothing.
And you’re still not getting it.
This is actually hilarious to watch. You’ve got multiple people in here explaining it multiple ways and y’all still can’t wrap your heads around it.
Nah bud, you’re not getting it.
Politicians come and go. Political parties go through phases where they’re better and worse at advertising themselves. The American voters who failed to do their civic duty by responsibly informing themselves, choosing instead to sit around and wait for a party to court them until they felt appeased, will still be there next go around, waiting to not do their civic duty again, entirely dependent on whether they feel a party appeased them enough or not.
Because they’re too fucking lazy to do simple things like looking up the voting history of said party. I did. Now I don’t need Democrats to court me like I’m some dipshit prom queen because I KNOW they are the better option, whether they court me or not.
And you’re still digging. This is fucking comical.
Keeping calling those people who didn’t do exactly what you wanted a bunch of fucking idiots. I’m sure that will win them over for next time!
Democrats “Vote for us no matter what or you’re an uneducated fuckwit”
Also Democrats “I can’t believe acting like elitist snobs and calling people who might have voted our way idiots didn’t work!”
Just keeeeeep doubling down.
2028 is gonna be really rough for y’all if you keep this mentality the whole time.