• @[email protected]
    16 hours ago

    If you are young and occasionally get sharp stabbing pains in your chest while breathing in that go away and have no other symptoms you should tell your doctor of course but also learn about Precordial Catch Syndrome

    Precordial catch syndrome (PCS) is a non-serious condition in which there are sharp stabbing pains in the chest. These typically get worse with inhaling and occur within a small area. Spells of pain usually last less than a few minutes. Typically it begins at rest and other symptoms are absent.

    Learning about this greatly reduced random anxiety for me. And it stops when you get old yay!

    • @isyasad
      23 hours ago

      Happens to me all the time, usually goes away after lying down even for just a moment or pounding on my chest. One time it didn’t go away though and lasted like 48 hours 😩

      • @[email protected]
        42 hours ago

        PCS goes away very quickly usually by taking a deep slow breath. Orientation does not matter as it’s a hitch in the tissue your lungs are wrapped in.

        Speak to a doctor dear that does not sound like PCS at all!

        • @isyasad
          51 minutes ago

          Doctor has told me that it’s PCS and it seems consistent with my experience and has been happening to me for at least 10 years. Maybe it’s placaebo but lying down helps for me. I try not to take a deep slow breath cause it’s obviously really painful
          edit: and “all the time” is an exaggeration, maybe once a month or less

          • @[email protected]
            126 minutes ago

            oh wow well shut me the fuck up! Please understand that i was NOT trying to invalidate you it’s just with the heart stuff i don’t want to give bad medical advice that leads to someone being hurt.

            For me, one huge deep breath and then holding it would cause one spike of pain but then full release I assume as the fascia gets fully tugged back into alignment. Mine would generally be worse if i lay down especially on my side, that was usually when it would flare up!

            It really did just stop completely in my late 30s or early 40s though, much to my relief