I mean, evolution kind of might work around the ozone layer being gone. People just need to have children before the skin cancer kills them and that’s totally possible. Might be good if the parents don’t die when the kids are too little.
Evolution really doesn’t care about your personal well-being and won’t help you. It might “evolve” the human race to get children earlier in their teens, because everybody over 30 is dead from skin cancer and microplastics, but maybe the better solution is to use something different in hair spray and fridges.
Yep. Very much so. Same for cold and high altitudes. Our bodies really are extra badass. Low oxygen- more red blood cells and hemoglobin concentration.
Cold- blood thickens.
Fun fact: proffesional distance bikers and runners will often go train for several weeks before a race in high altitudes as a means to increase red blood cell counts without “doping”. All the benefits of cheating but without technically cheating.
Just so we’re on the same page, I wasn’t unsure whether it is possible to acclimatise one’s body to different temperatures but whether this was something someone actually had the gall to write about as a “climate solution”.
Autopsies always find that they have defective hearts or heart valves if it isn’t an aneurysm. Healthy athletes never really drop dead without a pre existing cause.
Goddammit it’s real.
Oh my god, I thought this was an Onion meme.
2023 too, and not a cherry-picked misquote.
When I was a kid, I asked a science teacher: “Why don’t humans just evolve to adapt to the ozone layer being gone”
The teacher responded: “That’s not how evolution works…” (and then explained it)
An UNDER-PAID TEACHER can understand that, are these journalists just kids who never paid attention in class?
I mean, evolution kind of might work around the ozone layer being gone. People just need to have children before the skin cancer kills them and that’s totally possible. Might be good if the parents don’t die when the kids are too little.
Evolution really doesn’t care about your personal well-being and won’t help you. It might “evolve” the human race to get children earlier in their teens, because everybody over 30 is dead from skin cancer and microplastics, but maybe the better solution is to use something different in hair spray and fridges.
Yep. Very much so. Same for cold and high altitudes. Our bodies really are extra badass. Low oxygen- more red blood cells and hemoglobin concentration. Cold- blood thickens.
Fun fact: proffesional distance bikers and runners will often go train for several weeks before a race in high altitudes as a means to increase red blood cell counts without “doping”. All the benefits of cheating but without technically cheating.
Just so we’re on the same page, I wasn’t unsure whether it is possible to acclimatise one’s body to different temperatures but whether this was something someone actually had the gall to write about as a “climate solution”.
Oh. I got ya. Lol
Also, occasionally, athletes just fucking drop dead while doing so. And they’re the healthiest among us.
Autopsies always find that they have defective hearts or heart valves if it isn’t an aneurysm. Healthy athletes never really drop dead without a pre existing cause.
or shitloads of drugs