They already did all the incluing exposition they could. Only infodumping was left to do (the examples I gave). They actually did infodump at the intro of the first movie. They could’ve cut more plot points. But people would’ve complained it wasn’t loyal to the book even more, as they did at the time. Unless you turn it into a dozens of episodes over 9 seasons series, you won’t have time to convey the passing of time. Then you run the risk of it being boring. What we got was already a miracle. Look at what they did with The Hobbit, they butchered it for exposition.
Fair points. I guess it just comes down to opinion on how effective they were at, and how important it was to, make the audience appreciate how long the journey was. I actually don’t have an opinion per say if they did it well or not. Like you said, it’s sort of a miracle they accomplished what they did, and as a movie I think it was great and a damn good book adaptation.
They already did all the incluing exposition they could. Only infodumping was left to do (the examples I gave). They actually did infodump at the intro of the first movie. They could’ve cut more plot points. But people would’ve complained it wasn’t loyal to the book even more, as they did at the time. Unless you turn it into a dozens of episodes over 9 seasons series, you won’t have time to convey the passing of time. Then you run the risk of it being boring. What we got was already a miracle. Look at what they did with The Hobbit, they butchered it for exposition.
Fair points. I guess it just comes down to opinion on how effective they were at, and how important it was to, make the audience appreciate how long the journey was. I actually don’t have an opinion per say if they did it well or not. Like you said, it’s sort of a miracle they accomplished what they did, and as a movie I think it was great and a damn good book adaptation.