What the hell happened to RF? Did we lose spread spectrum? Why does this have to happen over satellite? Does everything have to be high speed IP based to get the job done? Are all the HAM’s dead?
No, but it’s a dying breed. Everyone is so used to wifi “just working” that there’s little interest in learning basic radio.
Plus, encrypted data on ham radio is SUPER illegal (and the other hams salivate at the project of tracking down where the illegal broadcast is coming from) so the people with those radio skills don’t necessarily know how to make it useful in a wartime scenario.
Theyre small, light, and have a low energy profile. It’s pretty hard to jam a satellite. You can transfer data pretty fast and reliable and without range limitations. If you lose a device, the enemy still cant listen because they get locked out of the device.
RF mesh would totally fit the bill on everything except fast. As far as listening, you can just do data over RF with the same security level as the sat.
What the hell happened to RF? Did we lose spread spectrum? Why does this have to happen over satellite? Does everything have to be high speed IP based to get the job done? Are all the HAM’s dead?
No, but it’s a dying breed. Everyone is so used to wifi “just working” that there’s little interest in learning basic radio.
Plus, encrypted data on ham radio is SUPER illegal (and the other hams salivate at the project of tracking down where the illegal broadcast is coming from) so the people with those radio skills don’t necessarily know how to make it useful in a wartime scenario.
Theyre small, light, and have a low energy profile. It’s pretty hard to jam a satellite. You can transfer data pretty fast and reliable and without range limitations. If you lose a device, the enemy still cant listen because they get locked out of the device.
RF mesh would totally fit the bill on everything except fast. As far as listening, you can just do data over RF with the same security level as the sat.