The decline of the Steam games platform is inevitable, and there are already warning signs.

  • TrippyHippyDan
    919 hours ago

    This coming from game journalism, which has just turned into a mouthpiece and constantly been used to lie about how good games are.

    Funny how the date of this article comes out around the time that Amazon is failing, Epic is failing, Ubisoft is failing, and they’re failing because they hate the people that they sell their products to, and they refuse to be user-friendly and user-focused.

    Steam isn’t perfect, but the reason why they’re a monopoly is they actually give a shit about gamers, unlike all of their competition.

    Gamers aren’t a product, they’re a user, and Steam understands that offering the voice to those people makes their product what it is. The more users they have, the more money they make. They don’t need to nickel and dime and squeeze.

    This is something that every single competitor they have had has just blatantly ignored.

    Cross posted from:

    • @ampersandrew
      318 hours ago

      The likeliest explanation is that games press lie about how good games are and not that they just have a different opinion than you? Also, this isn’t even a major outlet. It’s just some guy’s blog, not even exclusively about games.

      • @Alexstarfire
        314 hours ago

        It’s definitely happened before, though I couldn’t say to what extent. The reason has been that if they rate games from major developers too poorly they stop getting access to their new games before release.

        I care very little about critics these days though, and it’s mostly for the reason you suggest, differing opinions. If they don’t like the same types of games I like, what good is their rating to me? I’m not taking the time to try to find a critic that has similar tastes as me.