The decline of the Steam games platform is inevitable, and there are already warning signs.

  • @ampersandrew
    318 hours ago

    The likeliest explanation is that games press lie about how good games are and not that they just have a different opinion than you? Also, this isn’t even a major outlet. It’s just some guy’s blog, not even exclusively about games.

    • @Alexstarfire
      314 hours ago

      It’s definitely happened before, though I couldn’t say to what extent. The reason has been that if they rate games from major developers too poorly they stop getting access to their new games before release.

      I care very little about critics these days though, and it’s mostly for the reason you suggest, differing opinions. If they don’t like the same types of games I like, what good is their rating to me? I’m not taking the time to try to find a critic that has similar tastes as me.