Interest in Canada joining the EU has increased amid US tensions, with 44% of Canadians supporting the idea. While the EU acknowledges shared values, Canada’s geographic distance and historical precedent present challenges for membership.
Interest in Canada joining the EU has increased amid US tensions, with 44% of Canadians supporting the idea. While the EU acknowledges shared values, Canada’s geographic distance and historical precedent present challenges for membership.
I can’t imagine Canada joining like a normal EU member country would. But I do hope Canada enters into special cooperation and trade agreements if possible.
Canada and the EU already have a trade agreement in place since 2017:
I believe that it has been violated recently, so is no longer strictly valid.
As far as I understand, the vast majority of the agreement is already fully in effect, with a few loose ends still tied up in EU member states’ legislatures.
Canadian businesses have just never really had a good reason to take advantage of the new trade rules until recently. Canadians might start noticing an increase in EU products range and availability over the next while.
Technically, it is not a done deal, but practically speaking, it is. Correct me if I’m wrong.
CETA has been around for ages. Now if only taxes weren’t applied on imported goods, we’d be set.