Interest in Canada joining the EU has increased amid US tensions, with 44% of Canadians supporting the idea. While the EU acknowledges shared values, Canada’s geographic distance and historical precedent present challenges for membership.
Interest in Canada joining the EU has increased amid US tensions, with 44% of Canadians supporting the idea. While the EU acknowledges shared values, Canada’s geographic distance and historical precedent present challenges for membership.
Well, Greenland was an EU member, but they left. Can’t remember when, but it was before brexit, so the UK wasn’t the only, or even the first, to leave. Possibly the last though, as the appetite for leaving seems to have dropped significantly.
I will never forget a conversation I had with some random Brit on Facebook before Brexit. He said to me, “You yanks don’t know what it’s like having your laws made for you by politicians you didn’t vote for 500 miles away.” In this hemisphere we call that Washington, D.C.
I mean, he had a point. What does a citizen of the American south know about secession, anyway?
As the current world situation looks very different, I think the EU is a much more attractive option - at least I hope so