The mere mention of Truffles with her punchable face gave me the same visceral reaction to whenever Kai Wynn appears. Is the hallmark of a good show having a powerful woman written so well they are more detestable than a warlord? On an unrelated note, found 2 nickels in my pocket.
If I recall, her first appearance was breaching the ship with a goon squad and declaring it her’s. She came into the show at 100% and never stopped. SyFy executives robbed me of another season of anticipating how Truffles dies.
The mere mention of Truffles with her punchable face gave me the same visceral reaction to whenever Kai Wynn appears. Is the hallmark of a good show having a powerful woman written so well they are more detestable than a warlord? On an unrelated note, found 2 nickels in my pocket.
I loved Truffault. She was the perfect mix of smarmy, competent, reasonable, and witty.
If I recall, her first appearance was breaching the ship with a goon squad and declaring it her’s. She came into the show at 100% and never stopped. SyFy executives robbed me of another season of anticipating how Truffles dies.