So is there a smell that our brain blocks out or ignores because it is always there? Or have we evolved to have lungs that don’t have a notable odor?
So is there a smell that our brain blocks out or ignores because it is always there? Or have we evolved to have lungs that don’t have a notable odor?
Do dead bodies smell like a slaughter house? I used to have to drive by one of those on occasion and I’ll never forget that smell.
One time I came home from work and found a deer in my front yard that had been hit by a car. It was still standing but it looked awful. I seriously thought about putting it out of its misery but before I could do anything, it limped off into the woods right behind my house where it collapsed and died.
About three days later, I opened my front door and got hit in the face by the most horrible smell I have ever smelt. Imagine the smell from when you leave a meat package in the trash for a day or two. Dial that up to about 1000. Set it in the hot sun for three days and you’ll probably be pretty close. It’s so strong it stimulates your gag reflex. I have a pretty strong stomach but I thought I was going to be sick. I couldn’t go outside for a week after that because that’s how long it took the scavengers to clean up the carcass.
That sounds like such an awful experience
0/10. Do not recommend.
rotting corpses smell very different from slaughter houses. my experience is mostly with cattle, but I would imagine hogs could be similar.
it’s a sickening sweet smell that begins with a tickle in the back of your throat, a whisper that triggers your gag reflex. it then punches down into your chest and then stomach when you’re close enough to the source.
even if you have never smelled a rotting person, once you smell it you will surely know what you’re smelling and you will never, and I mean NEVER, forget it.