If you watched Dynamite last week you saw the sign, even the camera man knows what’s up so my question to all of you is how would you fix it.

TK gives you the reigns and says he wants a women’s division that could headline next year’s All Out.

You can sign any free agents, use ROH talent, book anymatch or angle you want, but you have to have a great division in one years time.

(I’ll post my own thoughts later today)

  • @tankplanker
    22 years ago

    The problem has always been that the women are an afterthought when it comes to planning out the minutes in dynamite. Like tonight they wanted all the big name men wrestlers to get a spot, and time those matches were left there was hardly any time left for a main event title match that would:


    see the womens title change hands

    In other words, a big deal match. It should have had about 20 minutes plus entrances but was about 5 minutes short.

    Adding more matches for women does not fix the problem when they are the first ones to get their time cut when other segments go long, either during the show or even worse during the planning meeting. It is also unhelpful when they are often the default buffer between two big mens matches that often have gimmicks or special stips applied.

    Nobody is going to care about something the owner shows that they don’t care about because its always an afterthought. Its no coincidence that the biggest “home grown” name in the women’s division is the only one to have the majority of TV time. That’s not to diminish what Brit has achieved, but you cannot run with the ball like she did if you’re not consistently given it in the first place.

    Consistent booking of TV time is something that the men’s division also suffers with outside of the (much larger group of) usual suspects, but it can be particularly bad with the women’s division. Both divisions also suffer with a lack of consistent promo time outside a handful of big name men.

    How to fix this? Stop booking womens matches as an afterthought or buffers - they need more time and more matches at the start and end of the show. Start booking feuds and not matches, give everybody and all shows access to promos at all levels to actually progress feuds.

    • @ItsWizardTimeOP
      42 years ago

      I completely agree, I was shocked that they used time for that tag match which was fun but in the grand scheme meaningless. It’s great that they were willing to go over time, it shows that it’s an important match, but it does feel like a knee jerk reaction to the “Fix the women’s division” sign from last week. If they can actually build this into an interesting angle and a match come All In, it will show they are learning.

      Someone mentioned Mafia Boss Shida and I’m here for it, have her assemble her crew of AEW talent and use her winning to have Shida transform the division as she sees fit.

      The most frustrating thing is you see sparks of it here and there but they just don’t follow through

      Athena is killing it on ROH Willow has been great on Dynamite Julia Hart has developed into a great character Lady Frost looks great every time I see her…

      But for every one of these there’s a Shafir, a Deeb, a Hersch, a Kiss, an Abadon, a Nyla that could do so much more…