A lawsuit filed Wednesday asks Wisconsin’s newly liberal-controlled state Supreme Court to throw out Republican-drawn legislative maps as unconstitutional, the latest legal challenge of many nationwide that could upset political boundary lines before the 2024 election.

  • Buelldozer
    1 year ago

    The “Blue Wins” District Map is objectively worse than the “Red Wins” Distract Map as it has no politically opposed Districts, effectively silencing 40% of the Precincts. The “Red Wins” Distract Map is certainly skewed but is superior because it doesn’t silence its opposition.

    In short what that picture is calling “Good” represents the same dissent silencing behavior that people are rightly mad at Conservatives about. “Fair Representation”, as presented in the article, looks a lot more like “Red Wins” and almost nothing like “Blue Wins”.

    • @foggy
      71 year ago

      You’re objectively stupid.