• timkmz
    22 years ago

    Lol Im on a train in Germany rn. Its packed full and delayed 20 minutes. Thats nothing new here. Its more common to have delays and why to packed trains here

    • @nomadjoanne
      2 years ago

      Oh, excuse me. I thought you were being sarcastic! I apologize. I’m oo used to online political fights. 😅

      • @[email protected]
        52 years ago

        Yeah, the Deutsche Bahn was half privatized and because they had to chase profits, the Deutsche Bahn AG started investing in DB Schenker (a logistics outfit) along with many-a foreign companies, instead of maintaining and building more railways, as well as buying new wagons.

        Now we have the fucked up situation where the Deutsche Bahn manages the railway, so other train companies (Thalys, Flixtrain, TGV, etc) have to rent the (publically financed) rails, while being treated like stepchildren in such situations when a Deutsche Bahn trains (that are not well maintained) needs a platform for longer than planned because of some emergency (but there’s an emergency every day). And it’s not like these trains could use other routes, because the routes aren’t maintained. The Deutsche Bahn is practically a monopoly as a company, while enjoying state funding. The last slap in the face was when the Swiss state train company (SBB) bans German trains from entering Switzerland, because they always cause delays on the Swiss side. Trivia: a train counts as late after a 3-minute delay in Switzerland, 6-minute in Germany. SO HOW EMBARASSING IS THIS?? The Swiss told us that we’re too friggin unpünktlicht!!

        The Deutsche Bahn now (with some political pressure, but not too much) announced they’re going to build more routes and buy more trains, and all in all, WE WILL FINALLY BE ON TIME… in 2070. 2070!!! I’m not going to still be working in 2070!

        This turned into a rant, sorry. TL;DR, the Deutsche Bahn is in a sad, sad state.

        • @[email protected]
          22 years ago

          Yes. No one else can really compete with DB on German rail because DB discriminates. This is extremely embarrassing considering that many other EU countries like Italy, France, and Spain does not have this problem. DB Netz need to be properly split from DB. The current situation is super shit.

        • timkmz
          22 years ago

          Man Ich hoffe ma die machen was for 2070, aber alles ist ja mit den verspätet also wahrscheinlich passiert erst was 2200…

          • @[email protected]
            22 years ago

            Alter, der Bundesverkehrsminister ist von der FDP. Der fährt doch wahrscheinlich ein fettes Porsche.

        • @nomadjoanne
          22 years ago

          Hahaha. Don’t worry I appreciate it. That is very funny about Switzerland!

          Here in Spain they are finally opening high-speed rail to some northern cities along the Atlantic coast. However, because the line had to cross the Cantabrian Mountains, they needed to construct a tunnel, one of thr largest in the world in fact. This was supposed to be finished in 2002, but because this is Spain it is finally opening 21 years later in 2023 😂

          In Madrid our commuter trains are horrible. But that’s just because of the current conservative government. They cut back on the number of trains per hour and then claim public transport doesn’t work and that it needs to be privatized. Horrible.

          • @[email protected]
            32 years ago

            The germans are fucking up everything train related (maybe slightly exaggerated. But only slightly). The whole Brenner project involving this huge tunnel and involving Italy, Austria and Germany. Italy and Austria are nearly finished on their side and Germany hasn’t even started construction yet (at least in the bigger sense of the project).

          • @[email protected]
            12 years ago

            At least Germans are very good with statistics. You don’t have to speak German to understand these graphics. The graphic at the end of this page shows the decline of the railway system (in km) https://www.forschungsinformationssystem.de/servlet/is/350049/ The graphic on this page shows the growth of highway (our famous Autobahn) https://de.statista.com/statistik/daten/studie/2972/umfrage/entwicklung-der-gesamtlaenge-des-autobahnnetzes/

            If only the budget could have been swapped. Or, if only the DB wasn’t run like a for-profit company.

            • @nomadjoanne
              2 years ago

              Ich spreche ein bisschen. Ich kann es lesen aber langsam und mit einem Wörterbuch. 😅

              The kilometers have been on a long decline. That is sad. You are the wealthiest country in Europe. There is more than enough resources to make an excellent rail system.