With the Musk fandom moving further and further to the right in recent years, it seems this truck probably has a lot more commercial potential now than when it was first announced a hundred or so years ago. People are going to be driving around in overpriced electric trucks in order to “own the liberals”.
With the Musk fandom moving further and further to the right in recent years, it seems this truck probably has a lot more commercial potential now than when it was first announced a hundred or so years ago. People are going to be driving around in overpriced electric trucks in order to “own the liberals”.
Nah dude electric vehicles are turning the kids into gay Muslims so they would never drive one of those. Oil for life!
Just need to add a rolling coal option and they’ll lap it up
That’s a giant generator running constantly in the back.
They’re apparently not getting to drive around all that much.
Like Musk himself, they pull hard to the right, run off the path, and have a breakdown.
I hate Musk, but I am not against Tesla. The benefits of electric cars outweigh a vocal billionaire.
Climate change is a bigger concern of mine than Twitter.
No way rednecks will be switching to this stupid thing. It’s not “manly” looking enough for those types.
What are crypto bros if not the rednecks of the internet?
Rednecks are smarter
Can’t swap the bed, cant tow, cant get to bed from the side, cant get repair parts. its a terrible work vehicle.
it can tow 14,000 pounds.
With what range? Not useful if you cant even get across the city.
great question.
It’s interesting because it’s got great features for a range of uses however each of those uses it has major flaws that make it a horrible option.
Electric work vehicle would be great but the bed is super awkward and the general layout looks awkward
As an off-road sleeper it’s extra solar panel option is great but it’s so big the energy consumption makes it worthless
For general multi-,use it’s storage isn’t big enough to fill half the jobs and it’s physically too large to be useful in half the jobs
Of course it will sell because people seem obsessed by buying the worst vehicle on the market but what can you do
Most trucks aren’t used as work vehicles, so it’s not as if that’s relevant.
Yeah, but the guy I replied to was talking as potential for commercial work.
I suspect that by ‘commercial potential’ they meant sales.