• @[email protected]
      2 years ago

      To contain, include, incorporate. To abstain really doesn’t make sense in this context. That abstain meaning I think uses the “return to natural state” meaning of ent- (number 1). Think “unhold” in the sense of “cease to hold a position”, that’s “to abstain”, the contain one… I’m not 100% but I think it’s number 6: A thing is furnished such that the adjective becomes true. The cookie is enholden with chocolate chips.

      karamellsirus is a misspelling, Karamellsirup should be obvious. crunshies, too, is a misspelt crunchies. Only one that shouldn’t be recognisable is Regenbogenstreusel, rainbow sprinkles. Like on doughnuts.

      • @WayTooDank
        22 years ago

        The reflexive form “sich enthalten” means to abstain, without the reflexive pronoun it always means “to contain”