I thought data caps for home internet were a thing of the past…

I’ve somewhat recently moved back to a very rural area of the Midwest. Small town. No stop lights. Biggest businesses other than the bars are Casey’s, Subway, and Dollar General.

And we have one ISP (not counting DSL) — Mediacom. When we first signed up, I had to go with the second service tier. But not because of speeds, but so I could have a reasonable 1 TB/mo data cap.

Lucky me, they increased the cap to 1.5 TB. 🙄

I hope that in my lifetime I can see ISPs regulated as a public utility.

  • @kalibri
    31 year ago

    Not true everywhere.

    Here in Australia, while speeda are not amazing (gigabit is kind of the max for now) we have no contracts, no data caps, hundreds of ISPs and some even allow people to pay per day.

    I can change ISP tomorrow and the switch over will take 10 minutes, because the physical network is common to all of them.

    It’s sort of sad to see how americans have only the freedom to get their kids shot and ass fucked by corporations.

    • @[email protected]
      31 year ago

      Mate “speeds are not amazing” is a massive understatement. I pay $80 a month for 46Mbps down, 12Mbps up. Unlimited data thankfully, although realistically the most I’m going to be able to download is 5TB a month unless I leave devices on all day and night (and given our electricity prices that’s a whole different kettle of fish).

      • @kalibri
        11 year ago

        I am on FTTP and pay 99 for 500/50 and never seen a slowdown. It will take a while to get everyone off the old copper network, I know :(