As a compliment to the thread about near death experiences I’d really like hearing people’s experiences of losing consciousness under general anesthesia and what’s it like coming back.

Also interested of things anesthetists may have noticed about this during their career.

  • @spittingimage
    92 years ago

    I’ve been under general once, and it was like losing time. The surgeon started counting backwards from 100, my eyes crossed, then a nurse was offering me a sandwich in the recovery ward.

    I was once in an operating room repairing a printer while there was a surgery going on. A nurse hustled me out when the patient started moving and groaning like he was in pain. An anaesthetist told me later that despite the movement and noise, he never woke up.

    • Deez
      32 years ago

      That’s weird, did you have to scrub up?

      • @spittingimage
        52 years ago

        Yep. Soap, then some kind of chemical steriliser, then paper gown, mask, hat and booties. It was also made clear to me that stepping inside the marked square with the patient at the centre was a big no-no.

        • Deez
          22 years ago

          Interesting! Thanks for sharing.