I should actually be working 8h a day, but most of it is spend not working. If I’m honest I’m probably working more like 3h a day even though I enjoy my job.
I should actually be working 8h a day, but most of it is spend not working. If I’m honest I’m probably working more like 3h a day even though I enjoy my job.
Id bet this month’s mortgage payment that there’s an inverse relationship between how much time people spend actually working in an 8 hour day and how much they get paid.
Teacher here. Yes and ouch
Absolutely. In my career and in all my friends careers, the more we move up, the less we work, the more we get paid. It’s ridiculous.
Wait what? Are you saying that if you get promoted to a manager, you work less and also get paid less?
Oops. I meant to say “more”. Edited.
I don’t bet money, but I bet you’re right!
I see you’re visiting us from the Fae lands. In that case we’ll wager the memory of your first kiss.