• GodlessCommie
    -11 year ago

    No it’s not, if they wont allow anyone to primary them then it’s assumed there is no other choice

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      It’s a “the system is broken but we have to play with the rules” thing. We can protest/protest/canvas for new voting rules to get third parties more chance to be in congress, but I can’t see the presidency ever changing in a regular setting.

      • GodlessCommie
        -21 year ago

        They designed a system that’s broken for us, works perfectly for them and demand we participate in it

        • @CoggyMcFee
          31 year ago

          Actually the Republicans would love for you not to participate in it.

          • GodlessCommie
            -61 year ago

            Then democrats better start earning votes instead of demanding them. "We are not them’ isnt good enough.

            • @CoggyMcFee
              31 year ago

              In a democracy the citizens aren’t customers that need to be courted (though they often behave that way, to their own detriment). Rather, the citizens are participants. Sometimes, maybe usually, the whole process isn’t fun and enjoyable. Sometimes elections are like root canals: undesirable, but the alternative is a lot more pain and problems down the road.