• @TropicalDingdong
    611 year ago

    Its both useful and pretty obvious to me. The primary function of these debates is to get a temperature check on ‘what the party is all about’, and through this lense, we can see that they haven’t moved in from misogyny, racism, and neo/facsist ideologies. They have an accountability to their voters to do so, and engagement will drive turnout. It’s in their benefit to show they have some kind of value to their voters.

    Frankly, I’m annoyed we’re not also having a farse of a primary and debate season for Biden. It’s a chance to ask questions and be critical, and anyone who says it’s not the time for that is antidemocratic. Debates are one of the very few times we can hold the parties at least some what accountable for the bile they soew forth, even if only in a comedically produced and frankly, offensive to the definition of the word debate, debate structure.

    We already have so few entry points into democracy in the US. Writing off this one seems ludicrous.

    • @YoBuckStopsHereOP
      211 year ago

      Sitting Presidents are rarely challenged within the party.

      • GodlessCommie
        161 year ago

        They should be, they need to be held accountable for their first 4 years to check if they are worthy of another 4.

          • GodlessCommie
            -41 year ago

            They need to earn their position, if they haven’t spent the prior 4 years earning it they shouldn’t be reelected.

              • GodlessCommie
                -41 year ago

                That is the answer, why should they expect to keep the job if they haven’t earned it

                • @CoggyMcFee
                  91 year ago

                  Biden not being challenged in the primary is the Democratic Party saying “you’ve earned it”.

                • @[email protected]
                  31 year ago

                  OP’s not asking about what the incumbent expects. Why would the party itself give voters reasons to vote against their incumbent?

        • ME5SENGER_24
          101 year ago

          I hate how when someone gets elected for their first term, the first thing out of everyone’s mouth is: re-election. Bitch, how about you bust your ass for 4 years and everyone will be begging you to stay. Instead its, get elected, work on re-election campaign, build a library. It would be amazing to see my country finally live up to this whole American dream BS that’s been shoved down my throat since birth, yet the only people actually getting richer were already rich to begin with. We talk about $100k salaries like they’re gold yet Elon, Bezos and Bill Gates wipe their asses with larger bills than that. We need a government for the people of the people. Not a bunch of 1%ers mooching off us Poors and writing policies to their benefit distancing themselves and their families from further from the people they claim to represent

          • GodlessCommie
            -11 year ago

            No it’s not, if they wont allow anyone to primary them then it’s assumed there is no other choice

            • @[email protected]
              21 year ago

              It’s a “the system is broken but we have to play with the rules” thing. We can protest/protest/canvas for new voting rules to get third parties more chance to be in congress, but I can’t see the presidency ever changing in a regular setting.

              • GodlessCommie
                -21 year ago

                They designed a system that’s broken for us, works perfectly for them and demand we participate in it

                • @CoggyMcFee
                  31 year ago

                  Actually the Republicans would love for you not to participate in it.

        • @HWK_290
          141 year ago

          True, but the Biden administration is definitely using the debate to put forward their own talking points (“watch it jack, we’re bringing roe back,” a new plan to cap student loan debt, new climate investments) so it’s not like we’re getting no taste of what the administration’s priorities will be in the next 4 years

          • @TropicalDingdong
            51 year ago

            True, but the Biden administration is definitely using the debate to put forward their own talking points (“watch it jack, we’re bringing roe back,” a new plan to cap student loan debt, new climate investments) so it’s not like we’re getting no taste of what the administration’s priorities will be in the next 4 years

            Good, and they should be. I’d like to see some Democratic with the candidates who obviously won’t be getting the nod, simply because its an opportunity to hold people accountable. How about the failure by the Biden administration on student loans? How about we have some debate questions about the supreme court and how its basically been captured by the conservative movement, and apparently, open to bribery? We have so few opportunities to actually engage in politics. We can’t give up the debates simply because of decorum or that the contenders won’t win. Its literally the only time we ever get the chance to drive the party in the direction of the will of the people.

            • HobbitFoot
              71 year ago

              What is Biden supposed to do about the Supreme Court except nominate new justices? The problem is that you need Congress to do something.

              • @TropicalDingdong
                01 year ago

                Lets here what he proposes as a solution. Its his answer to have not mine, and as President, he sure as fucking shit better have a plan, or he’s not qualified for the job. The argument here is in support of debates. Without debates, we don’t get answers to these kinds of questions.

                I sure as shit want to know what Biden’s plan is to deal with a congress that wont play ball. He needs to have one.

                • HobbitFoot
                  31 year ago

                  Lets here what he proposes as a solution. Its his answer to have not mine

                  It isn’t his job, unless you make the Supreme Court a Presidential appointment alone and that they can fire justices on their own whim.

                  The power to deal with a corrupt Supreme Court has been clearly vested in Congress, not the President.

  • Ghostalmedia
    191 year ago

    Props to the graphic designer who got the asterisk in “Democracy* 24”

    • Echo Dot
      11 year ago

      Democracy is for illustration purposes only, actual political system may differ.

      • Ghostalmedia
        11 year ago

        Terms and conditions apply. See coup for details.

  • @reddig33
    161 year ago

    It’s a pep rally to rile up the base and reinforce party talking points. Participants are also using the stage to further their political influence even when they know they can’t win the nomination. There are other jobs, and the “show” gives them name recognition.

  • matchphoenix
    141 year ago

    Most of them seemed to be competing to be vice president, or just trying to ride the free publicity and up their celebrity profile for future book and tv deals.

  • @TokenBoomer
    131 year ago

    Republicans are like school on Saturday: No class!

  • @[email protected]
    101 year ago

    Because FPTP is a farce of a system, so building a farce on a farce doesn’t really increase the farce-ness very much?

    • @[email protected]
      51 year ago

      Woa, you can’t just say that out loud. You have to pretend the system is functional. Did you skip social studies in public school?

  • @UsernameIsTooLon
    91 year ago

    A lot of white Christian conservatives grew up living in a bubble, so anything that exists beyond that is scary/different and needs to be rejected/shunned for simply just existing sometimes.

  • @TheJims
    1 year ago

    Everything Republicans do is performance art for trump. His personality disorders demand constant attention and they have to oblige at the risk of becoming part of the out crowd.

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      They should have gone for the format where Donald sits on a throne and interrogates the others about their loyalty

  • @kucuva
    51 year ago

    dolla dolla bill yall…

  • elouboub
    31 year ago

    US politics doesn’t need a “TV adaptation”. It’s not even “made for TV”. It is TV.