The image is a reddit post with the following text (automatically transcribed):

I remember I got into an argument on reddit awhile ago with a person over Italian food. It got to the point they were following me into other subs to harass me. I clicked on their profile to block them and their most recent post was them drinking their own piss on r/piss. At that moment I realized I had spent so much pointless time arguing about the taste of food with someone who drinks their own piss as a hobby. This site is a shit hole.

  • Fr❄stb☃️te
    182 years ago

    Like Patches O Houlahan from Dodgeball once said:

    “I drink my own piss because its sterile and I like the taste!”

    • @samus12345
      152 years ago

      Not sure where that thing about urine being sterile came from, but no, it most certainly isn’t!

      • @Ultraviolet
        32 years ago

        I assume the thinking is because it’s toxic, nothing lives in it. It’s an incorrect assumption, there are bacteria in it, but that’s probably where the misconception comes from.

        • @samus12345
          52 years ago

          I looked it up and found this:

          For years, even doctors believed urine was sterile. The myth goes back 50 years, Hilt said, when a screening method for kidney infections was developed. It was a simple and easy test that was soon applied to bladder infections, too.

          But the test involved culturing only a small amount of urine in open air, at a temperature of 95 degrees Fahrenheit (35 degrees Celsius) for 24 hours. Not all bacteria grow in those conditions.

      • @[email protected]
        12 years ago

        Stop trying to explain jokes Gary, just enjoy the fucking things and smile. If someone is done enough to believe anything from a random comment fuckem lettem nature themselves away.

        • Lemminary
          2 years ago

          It’s a common misconception. I say let them spread the facts, Joel