I’m wondering if I have a weed problem. I started taking weed to help my depression then after a while I take it every day. Usually edibles and vaping sometimes just vaping.

And I’ve been taking T breaks and it seems like when I’m on a break everything is horrible life sucks and it makes it hard to be on a t break. So I maybe don’t take it for a day or two each month. I keep saying I’m on a T break but I never really am.

All I do is get stoned, sometimes with my friends, usually alone. That’s all I do. If I’m not working I’m high or getting high soon.

I’m trying to find a girlfriend but sometimes they want to see me and I’m too high to go see them. That’s happened to me and it sucks I really want a girlfriend and I missed those chances because I was stoned.

I know weed isn’t addicting but is there another thing for it? Should I move away and try to start over sober?

  • SnausagesinaBlanket
    12 years ago

    They don’t prescribe it here in America either.

    My doctor wrote a note regarding my chronic pain and I got a MMJ card in 2017.

    What are you talking about?

    • @AttackBunny
      22 years ago

      Yeah, I had one of those “doctors” too.

      • @HeyThisIsntTheYMCA
        02 years ago

        The doctor who signed also writes scripts for fentanyl and dilaudid. Not everyone is the kind of fuckup you are.