I’ve gone back and forth on taking a multivitamin since I know my diet isn’t all that great. Ideally I should be working to improve that diet but let’s say due to certain circumstances that’s a bit difficult at the moment.

Would it be worth taking a 1 a day multivitamin to at least correct some possible deficiency or is it very unlikely that it would have any effect?

Not asking for professional medical advice or anything, mostly looking to see if anyone else is taking a multivitamin and if so why?

  • @[email protected]
    191 year ago

    It couldn’t hurt. But most medical professionals I know don’t recommend it.

    If you want to get a multivitamin that’s more bioavailable, consider eating an egg a day, or liver. These are some of the most available multivitamin sources in nature

    • no banana
      241 year ago

      One liver a day, got it!

      • @PunnyName
        211 year ago

        Make sure it’s a polar bear liver (don’t do this).

        • @expatriado
          121 year ago

          don’t do this

          i don’t think anyone was planning to travel to the artic circle to hunt a polar bear, and eat the liver, after reading the first half of your comment

      • @Son_of_dad
        71 year ago

        With some fava beans and a nice bottle of Chianti

        • no banana
          21 year ago

          Liver shake! Liver shake! Liver shake!

    • regalia
      71 year ago

      yeah but I know my diet is shit and I’m definitely not going to eat those things daily, so I think a multivitamin helps me at that point lol

      • JJROKCZ
        21 year ago

        You definitely can’t eat a single egg daily? It takes 5 minutes maybe to cook and eat a single egg, unless you have an allergy to eggs it’s pretty hard to say you can’t do it

        • @Grabbels
          151 year ago

          Just wanna scoot in here and mention that yes, it can be very difficult for some people to do very mundane tasks, such as cooking an egg. Trust me, I know how depression fucks with your system and it indeed sometimes makes you incapable of spending five minutes on boiling an egg :(

          • JJROKCZ
            -51 year ago

            You don’t have to boil it and wait for that, put a pan over heat and crack an egg into it. If depression stops you from doing that then your depression will starve you

            • @Lazylazycat
              101 year ago

              Yes, depression can starve you. When I was depressed I couldn’t keep pans clean, never mind crack an egg and stand by the stove whilst it cooked.

              • @[email protected]
                81 year ago

                People who haven’t been through it don’t seem to understand it. When my depression was really bad I lost 60 lbs in a few months and couldn’t gain any back for 2 years. Even grabbing a premade salad out of the fridge or putting a microwave meal in the microwave was too much work.

                • @Lazylazycat
                  61 year ago

                  Yeah it’s maybe hard to imagine what it feels like if you don’t know. I couldn’t brush my hair for weeks at a time, it was so much effort.

                  As a side note, it feels weird to reflect on that time now, like looking at a different person. If anyone suffering with depression is reading this now, just know that it can pass.

        • @[email protected]
          51 year ago

          You can hard boil a bunch of eggs at once, then keep them in the fridge for a daily pick me up

          • JJROKCZ
            21 year ago

            Yea it takes maybe half an hour to do a half dozen hard boiled eggs on your day off.

          • JJROKCZ
            11 year ago

            You’re not going to have a cholesterol problem from a single egg per day, the rest of your diet being shite will cause that

        • @dragonflyteaparty
          21 year ago

          Considering I don’t like eggs, no I can’t. Eggs are gross. I continue to take a prenatal vitamin because something about it prevents my headaches. My doctor theorized it’s the calcium and magnesium, but taking those separately doesn’t help. Maybe it’s the dosage in the prenatal or something else in deficienct in, but it really helps me.

        • regalia
          11 year ago

          I’d be lying if I said I put that much effort in daily

          • JJROKCZ
            1 year ago

            My dude you heat a pan and crack an egg, it’s the easiest way to feed yourself there is. Even getting fast food is more effort unless you doordash every single meal, I fear for your wallet if so