Former president tells Glenn Beck he would have ‘no choice’ but to lock up opponents ‘because they’re doing it to us’

  • @JdW
    1 year ago

    Apart from the whole dictator thing, they had the presedential power for 4 years and managed to lock up exactly nobody… Not saying they’re not dangerous but why would their base believe them this time, action should really speak louder than words with those simpletons and Trump has been all words.

    • @Red_October
      301 year ago

      They didn’t lock anybody up, but they DID drain the swamp. And then they put the sludge dredged off the bottom in cabinet positions.

    • @PRUSSIA_x86
      121 year ago

      Last time they didn’t expect to win and their base wasn’t nearly as far down the fascism rabbithole. Now the mask is off, and the GOP knows that magats are more than willing to turn and eat them alive if they try to tap the brakes on the Trump Train. He who rides the tiger can never dismount.