Former president tells Glenn Beck he would have ‘no choice’ but to lock up opponents ‘because they’re doing it to us’

  • @CharlesDarwin
    62 years ago

    Yep, and the GD “liberal media” is not helping when they continue to play this horse race nonsense like the cowardly corporate quislings that they are. They are acting like nothing is really at stake other than which party is running things and that “both sides” are more or less equal.

    This is just not true.

      • @CharlesDarwin
        2 years ago

        True - just like in 2016, they played the “oh my word, some people find Hillary problematic, or too shrill, or too much non-male, and whataboutthoseemails and isn’t she over-prepared for debates, and ermagawd she fainted, I tellz ya!” and other stupid and dangerous games… - they are now doing the “some people” find Biden too old, etc.