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Democratic Gov. Jared Polis called the Gadsden flag ‘a proud symbol of the American revolution’ after a a Colorado student was told to remove a patch of the “Don’t Tread on Me” flag from his backpack.

  • @ShittyBeatlesFCPres
    161 year ago

    Why do you think overzealous school administrators are progressive?

      • @ShittyBeatlesFCPres
        141 year ago

        That’s not what progressivism is at all.

        Progressivism is about organized labor and a willingness to make big policy reforms if they’re evidence-based. Like progressives want universal healthcare instead of the shit sandwich of corporate bureaucracy Americans eat at the hospital. Progressives don’t care about backpack patches in schools. The school policies they care about having a strong teachers union and high quality, universal school lunches.

        • diprount_tomato
          -161 year ago

          Oh how out of reality do you have to be to believe actual politicians act like that

          • @ShittyBeatlesFCPres
            121 year ago

            The two leading progressive politicians (Bernie and AOC) talk about unions and Medicare for All until they’re blue in the face.

            Also, I don’t think I’m the one here struggling with the reality of politics. This thread is about one rowdy teen having a patch removed from his backpack by a school employee. It doesn’t have anything to do with progressive politicians.

            • xerazal
              71 year ago

              Don’t bother. Right wingers will do anything and everything to act like victims.

              I wish the right wing had never adopted the gladsden flag. They fly it without any real understanding of it’s meaning and give it a bad name.

            • diprount_tomato
              -121 year ago

              I assure you that if that was the case this culture war nonsense wouldn’t exist and Americans would have a decent quality of life

              • @ickplant
                71 year ago

                Americans would have a decent quality of life if they would let the progressives make some policies. Progressive policies are wildly popular and generally serve to improve the quality of life for the average person.

              • @Riccosuave
                1 year ago

                The right has adopted talking about culture war issues 24/7 like it is their fucking job. Why? Because conservative policies are unpopular as fuck across the board, and are a non-starter for the majority of the country. Republicans abandoned a policy first platform a long time ago, and similarly the world is abandoning the small minded sycophants that make up their electorate.

                Get a grip, you are embarrassing yourself…Nobody here is buying the bullshit you’re trying to sell. You must have forgotten this ain’t Reddit.

                • diprount_tomato
                  -51 year ago

                  OR maybe it’s because conservatives are more concerned about social issues than economic ones because… Well, that’s what conservatives do by definition

                  • @Riccosuave
                    1 year ago

                    I assure you that if that was the case this culture war nonsense wouldn’t exist and Americans would have a decent quality of life.

                    You literally just argued that the “left” or more specifically progressives were the ones focusing on culture war issues. Moving the goal posts when someone calls you out on your bullshit is exactly what I would expect.

                    The entire conservative psychological warfare doctrine is based around never engaging with the substance of any issues because you know you can’t fucking win. Get Wrekt ✌️

              • @Fades
                21 year ago

                How are you so fucking dumb you can’t wrap your mind around the concept of minority groups?

                Not everyone on the left is a prog, but you knew that of course. Weak attempt at trolling, sad

                • diprount_tomato
                  -21 year ago

                  Yes, minority groups deserve the same rights and protections as all citizens. Anyone who says they shouldn’t is a huge motherfucker