Since we have an OSR community up and running, I say we should get to work immediately to give back. This thread will serve as the monster creation workshop. I’ll compile everything after a time and release a free zine of everything we can create as a group.

(Similar threads for adventure creation + more to follow)

  • @sambeastie
    32 years ago

    Alajansa (All-ah-yahn-sah):

    • AC: Varies, but usually as light armor or less. Can only be damaged with magic weapons.
    • HD: 5 (5-30 HP)
    • Speed: 40’ /round
    • Attack: Claw x2 (1d6+1 each, 1 in 6 chance to cause a burn on hit), random spell

    Angry spirits of those who died from magical catastrophe, unable to pass on. Typically found in or around the structure in which they were killed. Their passion and connection to the spirit world has granted them with some lingering magic of their own. Their presence is said to be marked with a sensation of creeping dread, the feeling of nausea, and occasional white flashes in one’s vision. Not all alajansa appear as their humanoid forms, and sometimes may appear as warped, otherworldly creatures from a plane beyond.

    Some say that if one can be addressed by the name it used in life, it’s possible to parlay with one, and that a full suite of metal armor can shield the wearer from the effects of its presence.