What an utter piece of shit.

  • @[email protected]
    191 year ago

    Where do you draw the line? Should he also be allowed to sell his services to Russia? Should private companies from the US be allowed to sell arms to Russia?

    • Zagorath
      141 year ago

      Never mind that. Let’s suppose he can sell his services to whomever he likes.

      What about the privacy implications? How did he know that specific attack was planned? Can he just listen in on any communication going across Starlink? I don’t think anyone should be okay with that.

      • @jarfil
        11 year ago

        How did he know that specific attack was planned?

        Ukraine asked him to extend Starlink coverage for the attack.

        No conspiracy theory needed, they just told him.

      • @[email protected]
        -41 year ago

        Since he runs Starlink, he has a map of where every single Starlink receiver is located. Literally, a real time map with GPS coordinates.

        Russia would kill to have that info.

        However, musk also hack and jam proofed Starlink to help Ukraine too.

    • @assassin_aragorn
      31 year ago

      There’s currently sanctions on buying or selling a lot of things from Russia aren’t there?

    • @kava
      1 year ago

      The whole reason this happened is because he disabled Starlink satellites over Russia in order to help the Ukrainian war effort. He just refused to turn it on for a specific offensive operation in Crimea that Ukraine requested - claiming he wanted to avoid escalation. Him and the US government were in agreement during time. Remember the US did not want to give tanks and planes because of fear of escalation.

      I don’t mean to try and put a damper on the 5 minute hate session but I wish people would make an effort to try and understand what is happening before they make all sorts of wild conclusions and statements.

    • @Wilibus
      -11 year ago

      I’m not sure where the line is but expecting a private citizen to provide vital defense infrastructure to your foreign allies and continually act in your best interests is clearly past it.

      • @khannie
        61 year ago

        The issue is removing infrastructure on your own personal whims when it goes against what your own tax payers are paying for, especially when they have funded your company / companies. It’s obscene.

        • @jarfil
          11 year ago

          Except it wasn’t “removed”, he declined to “extend” it before getting paid by those tax payers.

      • @[email protected]
        221 year ago

        Nah, I’d rather attack the cancer that is capitalism at the source and work to rid the world of its scourge once and for all. Sorry you chose the loser’s side.