I know this will vary a lot, so hypothetically let’s say you currently WFH/work remotely at least 3 days a week. Your commute to work takes an hour max (door to door) each way. If you were given the choice of a 4 day week working onsite, or a 5 day week WFH (or as many days as you’d like) for the same pay, which would you choose?

  • @pixxelkick
    72 years ago

    Commute time for 4 days is typically more than 1 whole work day.

    My commute would need to be 45 minutes or less, and even then half the year said commute involves wading through snow, so, no thanks.

    Full time WFH is a big yes. Too many offices aren’t easy to commute to, to save money on rent. My last job did t even have a sidewalk to get there, the last 2 blocks to it were your choice of walking on the road itself, or wading through knee deep snow.