• @FuryMaker
    31 year ago

    Wonder which shitty nursing home they’re planning to send her to?

    • @Supervivens
      741 year ago

      Kinda harsh considering this just seems like a harmless joke

      • @1luv8008135
        471 year ago

        Get the fuck outta here with logic, reason and a balanced view. This here is Lemmy, the land of knee jerk reactions, holier than thou attitudes and tall poppy syndrome.

        How dare this mum try and joke with her kids using her own money. The comment above makes it sound like she put the kids in the fucking cargo hold while she traveled business. Goddamn people

          • stevedidWHAT
            1 year ago

            Hey man idk if you got the memo or not but we’re all supposed to be misinterpreting everything each other says cuz we’re like enemies and the only valuablr option, cleeeeearly, is to just shit on each other and wonder why lemmy smells like dog shit. Ur not allowed to laugh or have fun anymore it’s only War now


          • Iron Lynx
            -21 year ago

            Well we live in a post joke world, so…

        • kamenLady.
          1 year ago

          We still haven’t agreed upon which shitty nursing home she’s going, we need to focus…