For me, it’s one of two choices:

Final Fantasy VIII - It’s one of my favourite entries in the series and think they’ve ignored it far too much over the years. There’s a lot they could do with it, not just visually, but with the story and mechanics too.

Final Fantasy Tactics - This game is just fantastic all round, and I can’t say any more than that.

What would you choose?

  • @[email protected]
    102 years ago

    FFT. You can play a remastered FF7 on modern consoles and on Steam. FFT can only be played on PSX, PSP, and Android. Also strategy RPGs are making a comeback with games like Triangle Strategy. Tactics Ogre Reborn did well. Let’s get FFT out there.

    • HaruOPM
      52 years ago

      Excellent choice ;) It’s another in the franchise that needs some love, I think. Maybe the success of other SRPGs will give SE something to think about, and put it under consideration.

      FWIW Tactics is also on iOS/iPadOS.

      • @[email protected]
        42 years ago

        Yeah I didn’t know because I don’t have Apple products. I think SE could make bank by just re-releasing these games so players who have portable systems like the Steam Deck can play.

        • HaruOPM
          52 years ago

          100%, and that is why people always end up emulating these games. They’re missing out on a lot of cash by holding these back. While we’re on it, they need to do something about Vagrant Story, too.

          • @[email protected]
            32 years ago

            They could expand their franchise so much. It could reach into different genres. Turn-based rpgs, strategy rpgs, action rpgs, card games, moba, etc. They don’t have to be limited to rpgs. They have a lot of content and a strong brand to work with.

    • @Yosituna
      32 years ago

      The same Nvidia leak where we initially learned about Reborn and other games that have since been revealed also mentioned a Final Fantasy Tactics remake/remaster/something of the sort, so I’m expecting an announcement in the next year or so!

    • @PlasticExistence
      12 years ago

      Technically FFT Advance was available on the GBA, but it’s only the same game mechanically. IIRC the story is different.

      • @[email protected]
        62 years ago

        FFTA is a completely different game with different mechanics. The job system, skill system, battle mechanics (judges), world building, playable characters. It really only kept the common theme between games like item and spell names. Oh and Cid.