For me, it’s one of two choices:

Final Fantasy VIII - It’s one of my favourite entries in the series and think they’ve ignored it far too much over the years. There’s a lot they could do with it, not just visually, but with the story and mechanics too.

Final Fantasy Tactics - This game is just fantastic all round, and I can’t say any more than that.

What would you choose?

  • @InverseParallax
    142 years ago

    6, hopefully 4 also though I love the gba 3d version.

    Also, obviously, chrono trigger. 6 needs it the most though.

    • HaruOPM
      52 years ago

      Good choices, what would you like to see them do with those? Full visual overhaul, à la FF7R or something else? Keep turn based combat?

      • @KillerTofu
        42 years ago

        I would love for them to represent the whole story like they did with 7.

      • @InverseParallax
        32 years ago

        FF6? Could take either, I’d prefer something a bit more true to the source material though, FF7R went a bit further afield than they probably should have.

        FF4, yeah, whatever, I have the 3d remake so go nuts.

    • kratoz29
      42 years ago

      I have been listening a lot to Fight 1 and 2 themes for FF IV dude, I’d like a remake of IV just to have those tracks again.

  • @[email protected]
    102 years ago

    FFT. You can play a remastered FF7 on modern consoles and on Steam. FFT can only be played on PSX, PSP, and Android. Also strategy RPGs are making a comeback with games like Triangle Strategy. Tactics Ogre Reborn did well. Let’s get FFT out there.

    • HaruOPM
      52 years ago

      Excellent choice ;) It’s another in the franchise that needs some love, I think. Maybe the success of other SRPGs will give SE something to think about, and put it under consideration.

      FWIW Tactics is also on iOS/iPadOS.

      • @[email protected]
        42 years ago

        Yeah I didn’t know because I don’t have Apple products. I think SE could make bank by just re-releasing these games so players who have portable systems like the Steam Deck can play.

        • HaruOPM
          52 years ago

          100%, and that is why people always end up emulating these games. They’re missing out on a lot of cash by holding these back. While we’re on it, they need to do something about Vagrant Story, too.

          • @[email protected]
            32 years ago

            They could expand their franchise so much. It could reach into different genres. Turn-based rpgs, strategy rpgs, action rpgs, card games, moba, etc. They don’t have to be limited to rpgs. They have a lot of content and a strong brand to work with.

    • @Yosituna
      32 years ago

      The same Nvidia leak where we initially learned about Reborn and other games that have since been revealed also mentioned a Final Fantasy Tactics remake/remaster/something of the sort, so I’m expecting an announcement in the next year or so!

    • @PlasticExistence
      12 years ago

      Technically FFT Advance was available on the GBA, but it’s only the same game mechanically. IIRC the story is different.

      • @[email protected]
        62 years ago

        FFTA is a completely different game with different mechanics. The job system, skill system, battle mechanics (judges), world building, playable characters. It really only kept the common theme between games like item and spell names. Oh and Cid.

  • @pixxelkick
    62 years ago

    FFXI, but a new game in the same world, specifically covering the stories of some of the events the game hinted at but never dug into.

    However keeping the skillchain/magic burst system, but using a FF12 style gambit system. Offline, single player.

    I want to see more story.

      • HaruOPM
        2 years ago

        What! This is incredible. I never knew it existed. I need to get an emulator for this set up now to give it a go. Thanks for sharing it.

        I would love to see an offline version of XI mind, even if everything about it was the same.

  • @SCB
    52 years ago

    FFX-2 had a great style of game built into it with the unique job system, but the tone of the game was totally fucked and why did they forget that Brother was Yuna’s cousin, and make him bizarrely and weebily pine after her?

    • HaruOPM
      62 years ago

      [banjo music intensifies]

  • @[email protected]
    42 years ago

    I would say VIII & IX would be good choices. I’d like to play those in the vein of VIIR

    • @9point6
      22 years ago

      Agree on IX, it often feels a little bit like it gets forgotten next to VII & VIII of the PS1 FF games

  • @norreskog
    1 year ago

    I’ll second Final Fantasy VIII for a remake. It’s the my favorite of the Final Fantasies I have played and I have commented on it so often that my phone auto completes “Final Fantasy” by adding “VIII”.

  • forrest
    1 year ago

    Final Fantasy Tactics; not much needs to be done except making the graphics sharper, upping the resolution, improving the framerate, and making the motion smoother.

  • Omega
    22 years ago
    1. The models in the original is ugly as hell. They need to update every model in the game. It doesn’t have to be super high definition. Just use 9 as a template. But it does need to be ALL of the models so it doesn’t look weird against the NPCs.
      • Omega
        22 years ago

        I’m talking about a recreation of the original without the blocky characters. Not the action remake sequel or the gacha game.

    • HaruOPM
      22 years ago

      Huh? I’m guessing you give it the remaster and polish treatment that IX and VIII got rather than remake it?

      • Omega
        22 years ago

        Essentially. Except for better models for NPCs too. There are a couple odd moments in VIII where it looks REALLY weird. Like talking to CID in one scene, and he doesn’t even have the same lighting,so he looks like he’s part of the background.

  • Shalakushka
    22 years ago

    I would not want Square Enix touching any of their old games again. They would split it up into three releases and let Tetsuya Nomura write the thing for some reason, making it even more of a disjointed ridiculous mess than the original. They would probably turn it into a would be Devil May Cry while they’re at it. No thanks.

    • HaruOPM
      62 years ago

      Outside of the splitting up FF7R into 3 parts, do you think they did a bad job of the game?

      • Shalakushka
        2 years ago

        I did. I really disliked the oh so self aware plot ghosts, I felt a lot of the new characters and situations felt really shoehorned in and disrupted the flow of things. I disliked them dangling Sephiroth in front of the player like keys in front of a baby. The whole thing felt super unsubtle. The whole time I played, I could feel them just trying to squeeze more time out of everything.

        I didn’t love the combat either but at least it was better than FFXV, which was somehow more sluggish and predictable than the turn based combat they keep trying and failing to fix.

        • HaruOPM
          22 years ago

          So what would you change and how would you want a VII Remake to be done?

          • astraeus
            62 years ago

            I’ve had these feelings about FF7 for a loooong time, so I apologize for the length of this in advance.

            I think they need to keep things true to the characters and setting they originally created. They need to forget that things like Advent Children existed, in fact they need to abandon most of the extended FF7 Universe stuff because it tears into the mystery and awe of the original game.

            The sense of scale in Midgar was awesome, it felt like an actual city on top of another much less decadent city. Filling in the blanks for the ShinRa plot points felt kind of dumb, like we had to be shown just how evil everyone there was. In the original, they were evil because they didn’t care about life or the planet, not because they were actively seeking to kill and destroy. They killed and destroyed to protect their image and bottom lines! And Sephiroth… somehow he keeps morphing into this character who is trying to stop Cloud from existing. In the original he didn’t really care about Cloud. He was using Cloud as his most successful clone but it wasn’t like he was invested in killing him. Cloud was the one showing up and trying to stop him, he was always trying to throw a wrench in Sephiroth’s plans.

            I think the OG guys want to make something new and divergent from the original and try not to properly remake the original because they know they will likely fail. Instead they give us an alternate timeline/worldline thing which ends up obscuring the subtlety and finesse the original story actual had. The original was more down to earth and steeped in humanity than anything the extended stuff has given us.

            • HaruOPM
              32 years ago

              Don’t apologise for that, your reply is a great one and honestly one of the few that addresses some of these issues without descending into “game bad.” So I appreciate that.

              it tears into the mystery and awe of the original game

              I understand a lot of this is subjective and opinion but I’m not sure I agree with that. FFVII OG was 23 year old by the time FFVIIR was released, but I still feel like the mystery and awe of the OG still exists and that the ExpU doesn’t detract from what was built. I’m still able to play that game and love all the aspects that I did in 1997.

              I also liked that Remake turned some aspects on their head and gave us this alternate universe where Cloud is much more of a threat to Sephiroth and Shinra from the start of the game. I think where I’ve always came from with Remake is that I treat it as a remake in name only and supplementary to ExpU rather than as a replacement to OG.

              I don’t think anyone is wrong for disliking it or finding faults, but I’ve never understood this need for it to replace the OG.

              • astraeus
                12 years ago

                I don’t think it needs to replace the OG at all, I think it should bring the OG into modern day and rather than pad the story with explanation, just expand on what was already in the original. The expanded dynamics between Jessie and Cloud, or Tifa and Cloud, or Aerith and Cloud… (is this a harem anime?) actually felt a bit more inline with what I was hoping from the remake. The extra stuff that adds elements that were never in the original felt a bit like retcons, even though the remake might as well be a sequel if the prevailing theories prove to be correct.

                • HaruOPM
                  32 years ago

                  I don’t think it needs to replace the OG at all

                  Just to clarify, I was speaking generally and not directly at you with that statement. Sorry if it came across that way.

                  I completely understand where you’re coming from with the rest. I do like all the extras mind, as it further reinforces that this is different to OG and I fully expect Rebirth to further take those steps laid out by Remake and diverge even further. I guess we’ve still got a while to see how it pans out as we only have a small part of what made up the OG game right now.

      • @hightrix
        02 years ago

        Personally, I don’t love FF7R. FF7 is at the top of my all time greatest list of games. It is one of my favorites.

        The remake, while really graphically pretty, just didn’t hit the mark for me. The changes to combat and gear didn’t work for me. I want turn based combat with materia socketed in items, just with modern graphics and the story updates.

        • @NocturnalMorning
          22 years ago

          I didn’t mind the updated combat. For a modern audience that’s a must. What bothered me is how they changed the story. I didn’t even mind that they filled some things out and added events that weren’t in the original. But the fact that the actual story was different actually makes me not want to buy the second one.

    • @[email protected]
      22 years ago

      They would only stand to lose content at this stage anyway. Cut sidequests, making another subtitle-Remake instead of a remake, drastic dialogue cuts, etc.

  • @NocturnalMorning
    12 years ago

    Remake 7 again, but properly, without a bunch of dumb story changes and not in 3 installments. I don’t mind how the combat is set up, but the way the game has been done is a clear money grab.

    • HaruOPM
      52 years ago

      When you say “properly” what do you mean? Like, what were the “dumb story changes” and other changes that makes it not proper? And how would you keep a game like Remake down to a single instalment without losing parts of the game?

      • @NocturnalMorning
        02 years ago

        You don’t have to cut put parts of the game. There are plenty of games that have massive expansive stories, and worlds that are one disc. A good example is the horizon games.

        As for the story changes, I didn’t like the introduction of the whispers, or how sephiroth was introduced with no explanation. The rest of the things in the game felt like they were only there to extend the play time.

        Funny enough, the things that were added like a visit to Jessie’s parents, didn’t bother me.

  • @Ticklemytip
    02 years ago

    If it was Squaresoft. Everything from I - XXIII. Square Enix? Meh, give them ii, iii, viii, and TT because its fun no matter what. Hell, give them a shot at FFI and see if square Enix can redeem themselves and recreate the whole series.

    • @[email protected]
      2 years ago

      And FFI has already been made convoluted by Dissidia, so maybe they’d be less tempted to add further timespace fuckery. I’d be down to see if they could present the original story in a way that isn’t a NES game (has a story beside the opening and ending cutscenes).