Prosecutors are moving aggressively because the plea deal fell apart. But why did it fall apart?

  • @flossdaily
    881 year ago

    Seems like to a certain extent the media and the public are humoring the Republicans about Hunter, because there’s a sense that allowing him to be treated extremely harshly in some way justifies throwing the book at Trump.

    But that isn’t the case.

    TRUMP is actually being treated with kid gloves. He staged an insurrection (potentially a coup), and should have been behind bars ever since. Actually if he had been treated fairly he’d have been indicted for the obstruction of justice charges laid out in the Mueller report.

    With zero evidence, Republicans have been digging into Hunter Biden for years and they found ZERO evidence to support the allegations that they were investigating.

    They stumbled into minor tax issues, and Hunter lying about his drug addiction on a firearms permit.

    And then, when Hunter got treated like any other person facing such minor charges, the Republicans flipped out decided that Hunter didn’t deserves JUSTICE. No. These Republicans are out for some misplaced revenge.


    • @Sho
      431 year ago

      I also love that it’s a GUN charge. They are all about ppl having guns just not THOSE ppl. 🤔🤣

      • @TurnItOff_OnAgain
        681 year ago

        My in laws were railing about it. I reminded my FIL that he purchased multiple guns while an active user of weed, and therefore committed the same crime as Hunter, so he should be charged too. He said it’s different and changed the subject.

        • @flossdaily
          371 year ago

          You can’t shame the shameless.

      • BruceTwarzen
        31 year ago

        Kids need gun, adults need guns, everyone needs guns in case someone uses their gun.
        No not him, we don’t like his dad

        • @Sho
          11 year ago

          The mental gymnastics that’s at play lately makes me nauseous

    • @tburkhol
      281 year ago

      It’s not that we’re humoring the Republicans, it’s that this is their one and only game, and we’re bored. Right now, it’s Hunter Biden’s guns and fake jobs. It was Hillary’s emails and Benghazi. Obama’s birth certificate. John Kerry’s swift boat. Bill Clinton’s affair.

      The amazing thing is that they’ve definitely tried it on Joe Biden, and the best the could come up with was smelling women’s hair. That man has been in politics for 53 years, and they haven’t been able to get even a hint of scandal to stick to him. The best the can do is Hunter.

      • @[email protected]
        21 year ago

        At this point, the GOP is going out of their way to torture Hunter and ruin his life and image.

        Deplorable behavior, I just wish the other half of this country would realize this is barbaric, uncouth, and not what this country stood for - because as it stands, we’re teetering between a more socialist capitalism and fascism.

        I talked to my grandfather, he isn’t long for this world but he was clear headed when we talked - Asked him about fascism, as a WW2 vet. He has voted R most of his life, but thankfully he sees the writing on the wall at this point. It did take a little emotional damage though, his second great grandchild was just born - if things keep progressing in this fashion, what life will it have? Not the America he reminisces about, and not the good parts of the more modern times.

        • @tacosplease
          21 year ago

          Hunter is starting to punch back and will have his day in court. Someone hacked his cloud account and put that stuff on a laptop Hunter never owned. And the more we learn the more it seems like Giuliani knew that and may have had an active role in setting it up.

    • themeatbridge
      1 year ago

      I’m going to quibble with you about the public humoring Republicans as some sort of trade off, because I don’t think that’s it. I think the vast majority of the public just doesn’t give a shit about Hunter or Joe Biden. Is Hunter being unfairly targeted for political prosecution? Who gives a shit? Probably, but I have my own bullshit to deal with. Hunter is well-connected and wealthy. He’s not on my team. His troubles are not my troubles. If they find something and throw the book at him, OK. If they find nothing and he was put through hell because his dad was President, OK. Sucks to be that guy, I suppose.

      Trump has done irreparable damage to America, and continues to attack our democracy and justice system. He is an existential threat to every American citizen. He belongs in prison, and I hope he dies behind bars while the world recovers from his reign of terror.

      If that makes his buddies want to prosecute Hunter Biden as payback, that’s what happens when assholes have power. I’m already not voting for those assholes. What else does anyone expect us to do? We’re not storming the capitol building over the Bidens.

    • @[email protected]
      61 year ago

      Imagine how much shit would be found if any republican politician had their affairs laid bare and scrutinized as hard as they’re scrutinizing Hunter. Or any Democrat, for that matter.