Finally got around to printing a bunch of lid holders and got everything nice and neat. Some missing because they are in use. Also you can see my printed spice rack.

  • @canthidiumOP
    31 year ago

    Oh yes, almost nothing I print is “necessary” but I love problem solving with printing. Can you link the accordion holder. Having trouble visualizing it.

    Yes the big STL is only the top shelf. I love those locking lid containers, I end up using those instead of ziplock bags because they are so nice.

    I used Polymaker white PLA and with cutting off the bottom, it’s all solid inside since it’s all so thin, so infill doesn’t matter. No supports.

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      One of these:

      Im excited to try these holders though. I’ve been photographing different items in the kitchen, using photo to stl conversion and making placeholders for things with that technique - so yes, the obsession is real.

      • @canthidiumOP
        21 year ago

        Lol know exactly what you mean. Yeah I don’t think I’d like that accordion thing. Adjustable stuff never stays how I want it.