Thats not 1 comment, that’s 0 comments.

  • Milady
    -132 years ago

    “Remindme” type bots are a band aid fix. Can you imagine if instead, the app/website/service provided that ? I shouldn’t have to see what you save now should I.

    For the second point, mostly because nobody made an app that combined the two well and/or was popular. The “simple calendar” app let’s you create events AND tasks. I honestly don’t even get what you’re trying to get at with your second point.

    • @dustojnikhummer
      12 years ago

      Or, the remindme bot can be hidden in settings or visible only to the user who invoked him (but I often add myself to remindme of someone else so that would defeat the point).

    • @rms1990
      12 years ago

      Thank you! It was so annoying see !“remind me 40000 years” on comment threads