Discord: home of the pedos
Discord: home of the pedos
Can anyone get me an invite there. I love the super old school Reddit design
Not to mention this is for life medicine. It’s not something you take for a week and your cured.
A lot more apps are becoming reliant on google stuff.
And that’s why I left. No more social media for me
This place is already becoming a porn filled place. There’s godamm lolis for the love of god
Stupid question possibly. Do we allow people who are black say nigga on here since they say it in public and no one questions them?
I’ll check that out. I’m comfortable with soldering and LS series chips. Thanks!
I got the June OTA from their flashing site, but funny thing is that the emoji workshop and wallpapers are not a client side switch but server side and not available for Canada.
I just put grapheme OS so whatever
Once I can afford a pinephone I’m ditching this device. I want a free and open device with no proprietary software and hardware.
Used it before. RISC OS is really cool!
Unbelievable. TTC is becoming more and more of a joke every day. It’s basically a fact at this point that north America is not public transit friendly.