Like, a horror movie that instead of scare you makes you laugh more than a comedy.

Also, thanks to the people that answer the post, this is the easiest way to find new series and movies to watch 😁

  • Zadkine
    2 years ago

    The first four words in the title crawl are literally ‘a long time ago’ ;-)

    But on a more serious note, it’s kind of a mix of both sci-fi and fantasy. There are fantasy tropes such as magic (the force), good and evil wizards (the Jedi and the Sith), swords and dueling (light sabers) etc. In many ways it is more like LOTR than Star Trek: Obi Wan is like Gandalf, Luke is like Frodo etc. Also none of the technology is ever explained, there is no techno-babble.

    On the other hand there are lots of sci-fi elements such as spaceships, aliens, technology etc. So on the surface it seems like science fiction, but it borrows lots of stuff from fantasy.

    • KurumatronOP
      2 years ago

      Yes, it is thanks to those elements that I was always under the impression that the movies take place in the future