And when they reach park ripeness, put them in the fridge and they stay good for a few days.
And when they reach park ripeness, put them in the fridge and they stay good for a few days.
IIRC Laserdisc actually was the best quality home video format for a while, and it had a nice content library. Wasn’t it quite popular in Japan? DCC never went much anywhere. Its main competitor, MiniDisc, had some niche appeal for portable players, but once mp3 players took off it too was finished.
DCC, Digital Compact Cassette. It was introduced by Phillips in 1992 and was supposed to be the successor to the old music cassette. It was digital, with sound quality comparable to a CD, but the players were also compatible with the old cassettes. In theory this was a great idea but it never went anywhere, and the format was discontinued on 1996. I think Techmoan has a video on it.
This has strong NotTheOnion vibes.
Be careful what you wish for, we might get Caroline or Thierry…
No, because when (not if) Threads goes downhill they will have become the dominant platform with all the users and special communities (just like Reddit was and still is). I want Lemmy to become that platform, not Threads. The whole idea is not to be beholden to yet another corporate techbro overlord.
Basically this:,_extend,_and_extinguish
First they will add loads of new users and become the dominant instances. Then, they will add their own proprietary features that other instances cannot support. Finally, their extensions become the new de-facto standard, marginalizing the original implementations.
Since Meta has proven itself to be an evil company that does not act in good faith, it is better to not federate with them from the start.
Yeah this is a great album. Also, don’t sleep on the other Elephant 6 stuff like The Olivia Tremor Control, The Apples in Stereo and Beulah.
Interesting moment circa 2016, when Hamilton and Rosberg combined had over 85%.
Spaghetti alla Putanesca:
For 4 people:
If you’re making it for 2 people: after step 5, transfer half of the sauce to a Tupperware container. It keeps in the fridge for a few days or you can freeze it.
These are showing up all over the place in The Netherlands, a country that is not built to accommodate these Emotional Support Trucks. Most are bought by business owners who would be served far better by vans. Even a small van has more usable cargo space than these behemoths, and will actually fit in parking spaces, but for some stupid reason these can be had for cheap by companies because of tax rules (that’s what 20 years of right-wing government does for you). It really is beyond infuriating.
Disclaimer: ik heb zelf geen auto. Maar ik vind dit in principe een prima plan, mits er geen vlak tarief is, maar er ook wordt gekeken naar gewicht en uitstoot. Het kan niet zo zijn dat een Dodge Ram evenveel betaalt als een Kia Picanto.
I would like to see those polls.
What if you pay them 20 million dollars? ;-)
Looks really good, will be keeping an eye on this.
I love it! The Lemmy web interface was acting a bit wonky at times, this is a great improvement.
Yeah, it’s really nice :-). I really like the progress I’m seeing on this platform since joining 2 weeks ago.
Is that also why more ‘interesting’ side, with more features such as lunar maria, is pointed at us? The far side of the moon looks pretty boring compared to the near side. Or is that just a coincidence?
I honestly don’t expect them to last more than 3 months.