• @SinningStromgald
    161 year ago

    At some point the shit mountain has to get so big impeaching him is the only option. Right?

    • DarkGamer
      161 year ago

      Republicans have to give a shit about ethics and the rule of law first, or be voted out. I wouldn’t hold my breath.

      • chaogomu
        41 year ago

        The Ken Paxton thing is especially telling. He was impeached by Republicans, but the second the impeachment started generating national coverage, they backed off and said it was fine.

        • @esadatari
          31 year ago

          ken paxton is a slimy little cunt that shouldn’t be underestimated. i have no doubt behind closed doors he pulled every dirty trick in the book. this is the kind of person that finds and keeps dirt on anyone that might try to destroy him.

          and when you have 2/3 the politicians in your pocket, it’s easy to strong arm enough of the other 1/3 to stfu and keep their heads down.

          it wasn’t like republicans saw the limelight was on the case and decided to play nice. quite the opposite. the reps that started this whole fight are establishment republicans trying to get their party in the people’s good graces enough to save their fucking party in 2024.

          the dumbass think tanks don’t get that (or rather, think they can work with that) and have been performing actions that add nail after nail into their coffin.

      • @Zombiepirate
        41 year ago

        The Eleventh Commandment was a phrase used by President of the United States Ronald Reagan during his 1966 campaign for Governor of California. The Commandment reads:

        Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican.

      • @tburkhol
        11 year ago

        I mean, let’s be honest here - none of the gifts, favors, or special treatment Thomas has received has changed his decisions. He was always going to pick the most reactionary, oligarch-friendly position. No one has ever said, “The court looks pretty split on this issue, and Clarence Thomas may be the deciding vote.”

        If you’re going to bribe a Justice or try to sway the Court, you pick a moderate. You don’t pay the Kool-Aid Man to charge through walls, it’s just what he does.

    • Queen HawlSera
      11 year ago

      I stopped waiting for King Louie to “Say the thing” that gets his head lopped off…

      For the record I’m speaking in metaphor, this is in no way a threat or call to arms.