A very NSFW website called Pornpen.ai is churning out an endless stream of graphic, AI-generated porn. We have mixed feelings.

    • JackbyDev
      01 year ago

      If a search engine cannot index it then it is the deep web. So yes, Discord chats are technically part of the deep web.

        • JackbyDev
          1 year ago

          Wikipedia on the deep web

          The deep web,[1] invisible web,[2] or hidden web[3] are parts of the World Wide Web whose contents are not indexed by standard web search-engine programs.

          Try accessing a Discord channel through your browser without being logged in. They aren’t indexed by search engines because you have to be logged in.

            • JackbyDev
              01 year ago

              I don’t care about some arbitrary challenge to get money from you. I’m trying to get you to think critically. If search engines like Google don’t index it then it’s part of the deep web. Just because things like Discord aren’t what people typically mean when people talk about the deep web doesn’t make Discord chats not part of the deep web.

                • JackbyDev
                  1 year ago

                  And i dont care about arguing semantics with some loser waiting for his turn to talk intsead of discussing something.

                  I’m literally discussing with you. You mentioned Wikipedia first but refuse to accept the first sentence of the article on the topic you’re talking about.

                  things like Discord aren’t what people typically mean when people talk about the deep web. Language evolves. Deal with it.

                  I literally said this.

                  Discord is indexed once you join the group. Google doesnt own the internet and the difinition of the deep web isnt ‘what google doesnt touch’

                  Just because something indexes a chat room doesn’t make it not part of the deep web. It’s specifically about traditional search engines like Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo, etc.

                  As i said, you dont need an account to join a discord group. It is indexed passed that. Discord is a widely used indexer.

                  You do need an account to log in. Because of that web crawlers cannot index it. That’s what makes it technically part of the deep web. Search engine web crawlers not being able to index it.