One of the big winners of the Unity debacle is the free and open source Godot Engine, which has seen its funding soar to a much more impressive level as Unity basically gave them free advertising.

  • @ExtraMedicated
    1 year ago

    I believe it does currently have Linux support. At least that is one of the build options. I’m not sure what might prevent it from working in Linux, unless the FBX import package isn’t compatible.

    I haven’t tried it myself yet, though.

    • @dustyData
      21 year ago

      The only comment is a marketing text that claims “experimental support” for Linux. There’s no mention of Linux at all in any of the tutorials. And on the manual it looks very finicky, they only support an old LTS version of Ubuntu and reading the GitHub issues, it looks not only experimental but very rough. As barely working, lot of workarounds, rough. On Godot at least, Linux is a first class citizen, not an afterthought to qualify for grants.

      • @ExtraMedicated
        11 year ago

        I’ll need to play with it some more when I get a chance. In any case, my impression is that it’s still developing and still has some way to go. I’d be kinda shocked if Linux doesn’t get decent support eventually.