Some people want to be able to watch a movie “for the first time” all over again. Others want to forget a rubbish one. If you could remove just one movie from your memory, which would it be?

  • @JackDark
    31 year ago

    What about it and thrilled you so much? I was really disappointed, personally.

    • @Moghul
      21 year ago

      I’m not the OP but I can understand both sides. The first 3/4 or so was great. Good plot, great characters, pretty sweet science. Then at the end… all this jazz about love. It felt like they didn’t know how to end the story.

      Additionally, if you’re a big sci fi nerd like me, the ideas of


      people lying to be rescued from an awful situation, the earth becoming uninhabitable, decades passing in minutes and everyone you know dying or getting older…

      all of that has been done before. I mean shit, in Star Trek


      both Picard and O’Brien have lived decades or lifetimes in false lives only to return to where they left from and been expected to resume living as if nothing happened.

      • @[email protected]
        21 year ago

        There have been so many great minds creating new ideas in sci-fi for years. It’s really difficult to make something really unique that’s also good.

        Interstellar is a good combination of several old ideas and a clever take on some of them, e.g. the robots. The “love” bits get too much hate. The movie is sometimes misrepresented as saying love is some all powerful force, when it’s really just saying love drives people to do the the right thing, and steering you should to some extent let love set the your course.
        It’s a pedestrian idea, for sure. I see it as a bunch of techno-nerds coming realizing that interpersonal relationships are a necessary for success as their knowledge of physics.

        • @[email protected]
          21 year ago

          I see the love thing as creating a kind of resonance, such that things that resonate together are drawn to one another, and can sync up.

          That’s how, when he’s inside the event horizon, he can jump to the right moments to create the effects he needs to create. Those moments “resonate” with him, and the love between his daughter and him is that resonance.

          • @[email protected]
            11 year ago

            My interpretation is more prosaic: future humans built a device he’d be able to use. Love just gave him the drive to figure out how to use it.