In the post shared by Musk, the account lamented the presence of humanitarian groups in the Mediterranean Sea that rescue migrants from distressed vessels.

“These NGOs are subsidized by the German government,” the account posted. “Let’s hope AfD wins the elections to stop this European suicide.”

  • @[email protected]
    221 year ago

    Unfortunately we don‘t have enough left wing fist-fighters anymore, cuz „ArE yOu ReAlLy BeTtEr, If YoU pUnCh NaZiS?!“

    • @AngryCommieKender
      1 year ago

      Fuck that. Come to a punk show. We don’t put up with those shitheads. To quote The Dead Kennedy’s, “Nazi Punks, FUCK OFF!!!”

      Nazis and fascists that show to punk shows leave with black eyes, bloody noses, and missing teeth.

    • @blazeknave
      81 year ago

      Yeah… Reddit really made me feel like a sociopath about this. Why are we obsessed with the high road? Like… I’m teaching my son pacifism all day everyday. He’s the biggest kid, still, our checklist before hitting back has like 30 things you do first, and only to save your life. But… Nazis? Am I a fuckin dinosaur? I’ve even talked to a nazi for hours and told him I was an undermensch class in the middle of it, and seemed to get through to him with a really positive experience (per his own comments)… I’m not some murder porn violent weirdo looking for a reason… but srsly… They’re Nazis. Fuck around find out, no? Be a Nazi??? Yeah man… you’re gonna get knocked out if there’s justice and nobody is giving af about you. Aita?