Nationally, a study by Yale researchers determined that “the excess [COVID] death rate among Republican voters was 43% higher than the excess death rate among Democratic voters.”

They are literally being deceived to death.

  • GodlessCommie
    -551 year ago

    Yet in the end Biden adopted DeSantis’ approach to COVID control, ignore it exists, stop testing and the numbers will go down, open everything and let herd immunity take over, and let it run rampant

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      After the omicron variants became dominant and it became apparent they were inducing much less severe illness, yes. What’s not arguable is that closing down schools, businesses, etc took a heavy toll in many ways, regarding mental health, socialization, education, economics, and more. Was it justified to protect lives? Yes. But at what point is it not justified anymore, if not after the less severe variants become predominant?

      Anecdotal evidence here…I work in a hospital, and we had many positive cases that resulted in severe illness and long COVID or even death for the first year+ of the pandemic. Conversely, there’s been another wave recently, and we’ve had a ton of positive patients, but not a single one was there because of COVID, they were there for other reasons but happened to also have COVID.

      My point is I’ve taken COVID seriously from the very beginning, and I also fully support the Biden Administration’s approach.

        • Bipta
          -121 year ago

          They prevent long COVID like 30% of the time. They prevent hospitalization like 75% of the time. They last for 6 months.

          I get vaccinated but you’re drinking the fucking Kool-Aid.

      • Bipta
        1 year ago

        I nearly lost everything from one infection and so did millions of other people. Stop spreading this bullshit and hold Biden accountable like you would a Republican.

        What’s not arguable is that closing down schools, businesses, etc

        Stop with your false choice that it’s shut down everything or borderline pretend the virus no longer exists.

        Just stop.

        • @[email protected]
          1 year ago

          What do you think we should be doing differently right now?

          No argument from me that COVID infections were terrible for many, many people, and yes, “all or nothing” is a terrible approach to pretty much any choice. I didn’t say otherwise

          • Bipta
            1 year ago

            Messaging on masks. Rallying funding for pancoronavirus vaccines and better antivirals that could actually make the new normal something livable. Federal funding for indoor air quality. Directing HHS to revise their rule that surgical masks are good enough for hospitals when we’ve known since long before the pandemic that they’re often not enough for virulent diseases which is exactly the reason N95 exist in the first place. Increased funding for and messaging regarding long COVID, and surely dozens more things.

            This is not complicated. An idiot like me can understand it. Demand more of your elected officials.

            You absolutely did suggest a false choice and you say you completely support what Biden is doing now. I’m glad people aren’t dying in hospitals of it anymore - but now they’re withering away under the long term effects and it seems that that’s out of sight out of mind for you.

    • RickRussell_CA
      1 year ago

      Things were clearly different after the vaccines, though. It’s a much different disease to those who have been vaccinated and boosted.

      • banner80
        41 year ago

        This is what happened. We have vaccines now, and masks are readily available. We also learned that many jobs can be done remotely. They tried as hard as they could to educate the constituents. People already picked their sides and are as informed as they are going to get.

        So if you want to keep yourself safe, great. If you want to be crippled by or die of a preventable disease, have at it. Freedom for all.

    • chaogomu
      121 year ago

      Aside from the free vaccines and ad campaigns trying to get people to get the updated shot this fall. I’ve seen that TV spot a dozen times, and I barely watch TV.

    • @morphballganon
      111 year ago

      The country was opened back up before Biden was president.

      “Thanks, Biden” is the new “Thanks, Obama,” apparently.

      • RickRussell_CA
        11 year ago

        No services that I use were taking in person visits before late 2021. My kid didn’t go back to public school until Oct. 2021.

      • GodlessCommie
        -201 year ago

        Nice revisionism, not long before Biden was sworn in liberals were up in arms about schools opening back up, restaurants relaxing indoor seating, airline travel, etc. Then crickets the moment Biden continued Trump and red state protocols regarding everything being opened up.

          • GodlessCommie
            -161 year ago

            There was a vaccine when Democrats were whining about trump and DeSantis opening shit back up. Partisan politics is toxic as fuck

            • @[email protected]
              101 year ago

              The vaccination rates were still too low at the time because Republicans are stupid as fuck.

              • GodlessCommie
                -111 year ago

                Like Democrats when they believed Maddow and the CDC when they claimed vaccination prevents transmission?

                • @[email protected]
                  1 year ago

                  The study revealed that two or more weeks after the second dose, participants’ risk of infection dropped by a whopping 90%. The CDC researchers also found that 80% of participants in the U.S were protected against COVID-19 after just one dose.

                  More like the average Republican MAGAt is too stupid to understand that 90% and 80% don’t equal 100%, or to understand that it later evolved into a new variant that was far more transmissible but with less severe symptoms.

                  All this time later and you idiots still don’t understand the concept of efficacy.

                  • @Daisyifyoudo
                    51 year ago

                    I think he understands and is simply arguing in bad faith

                • @Daisyifyoudo
                  1 year ago

                  Oh yes. They’re the same. Misunderstanding that a new vaccine doesn’t act like other vaccines vs. recommending horse dewormer and talking about ingesting disinfectant. Lol, got a real big thinker over here

                  Edit-Nevermind. Just looked at your profile. -559 pts, hammer and sickle for your pic. Go fuck yourself.

                  • GodlessCommie
                    -81 year ago

                    The only ones that should go fuck themselves are the brain dead drones that believe everything their shade of fascism tells them

            • @Daisyifyoudo
              -11 year ago

              There’s a difference between a vaccine existing and how much of the population is vaccinated. Hard stuff to comprehend, I know.

    • Bipta
      -161 year ago

      It’s a pandemic of the unvaccinated – Biden 2021

      3 weeks later my triple vaccinated ass got COVID and I’ve struggled to work, exercise, and generally live ever since.

      Biden betrayed us with that bullshit and should have dropped that line when Omicron came out, but he doubled down for weeks and sent people to their slaughter.

      • GodlessCommie
        -191 year ago

        What was this, Jill Biden’s 5th or 6th time getting it? Identity politics is getting people killed and they blame others for the deaths. They try to credit vaccines with lower deaths when it’s the virus mutating to not kill its hosts.