• Solar Bear
    1 year ago

    Oh, it basically just means this thing that isn’t clearly defined. Oh, you can just look it up. Look it up where, exactly? What texts are legally admissible to define this? Is it dealer’s choice? And where is the line drawn, because a gesture can be sexual in one context and not in another. If someone thinks all drag is sexual, would that not influence how they interpret such a gesture?

    This is what I meant. You made a big deal about it being supposedly “clearly defined”. When shown that a crucial part of the law isn’t clearly defined, you don’t actually care, because it never actually mattered to you if it was. So what was the point of all this? Why did you waste my time with this act?

    • @cricket97
      11 year ago

      You could hone in on any law and be as pedantic as you are being

      • Solar Bear
        1 year ago

        This isn’t pedantic. Have you even read the law that you keep demanding everybody else read? The law makes reference to a strict definition for the word “premises”, but it’s pedantic to expect one for “sexual gesticulation”? They did that on purpose.

        It’s very easy to admit being wrong about the law being clearly defined, that you just didn’t think of every way it can be abused. However, I don’t believe you actually care about it being clearly defined at all. That’s why you’re deflecting now and suddenly acting all disinterested. You’ve been caught and now you’re defending your ego.

        So I have to ask again; why the act? What was the purpose of all this? Simply be honest about your beliefs and stop with all this smokescreen nonsense. You don’t have to act like a weasel if you just say what you really believe.

        • @cricket97
          01 year ago

          You’re a bit crazy. I told you how I feel. If you don’t like it then stop responding. I have been consistent the entire time.

          • Solar Bear
            11 year ago

            So you’re just done engaging with what I say and are now deflecting, got it. I was correct when I said that the clarity of the law was never important to you and wouldn’t affect your support of it.

            • @cricket97
              01 year ago

              I already said I think you’re being pedantic and you keep harping on the same thing over and over. I think the law is clear enough and I don’t forsee anyone not doing inappropriate shit to be prosecuted under this law. You could apply the same criticism to literally any law. In the context of legislation, this bill is pretty clear what it prevents. If you disagree, fine, move on.

              • Solar Bear
                1 year ago

                It’s not pedantic to expect the law to hold the same standard to “sexual gesticulation” as it did to “premises”, but it’s clear you suddenly lost all that enthusiasm you had before to actually defend the law on its merits. I’m just sad that the conversation about the actual text of the law couldn’t even make it further than the first question.

                Have a good day.

                • @cricket97
                  01 year ago

                  You are unbearable lol. You posted a “gotcha” and I didn’t bite so you stubbornly disregard anything I said in response. Have a good one, I hope you come up with some better arguments next time.

                  • Solar Bear
                    21 year ago

                    so you stubbornly disregard anything I said in response.

                    I’m actually curious, what did I stubbornly disregard? Because I can list things you stubbornly refused to engage with, but I’m not aware of any point of yours that I didn’t respond to. If I did, I will happily do so now.